Custom Design Services

Are you decorating a City Street, Park or Shopping Mall?  If so then we are here to help you come up with a design that makes your visitors gasp and smile!

Installing Christmas lighting and decor in larger, public spaces can be tricky!  Although an individual lit Christmas Motif installed in a plaza, or lights and decor installed on a building or tree by itself may look absolutely beautiful, when more lights, decor and motifs are combined together and installed in these larger spaces, the combination of colours, styles and sizes can quickly lose “cohesion” and start to clash. Then, when new elements are purchased and added, it can actually make it even worse by creating a disjointed and potentially “tacky” overall appearance.

Here at, we have been in the business of decorating our commercial customer's spaces for over thirty years!  This experience has taught us a few key things that have become core policies for us as a company:

1.  We have our best success as a company when our customers become repeat customers.

2.  We gain long term, repeat customers when we help them achieve a beautiful Christmas display in their public space.

3.  We gain long term, repeat customers when we never blow their budgets but help them achieve the best overall Christmas display for the budget they have.

4.  We keep long term, repeat customers when we help them put together a multi-year design plan for their space.

5.  We keep long term, repeat customers when our multi-year plan makes their public space look better and better each year.

In addition making and selling our catalogue of Christmas Lighting and Christmas Motifs that you can find on this website, we offer a free design and custom fabrication service to you and your commercial customers - allowing you to get Christmas Motifs with the perfect size, style and appearance for the spaces you want to decorate and light up!